volume / price variance/ mathematics of datasets   




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The mathematics of Price / Volume Variance Analysis and Statistical Datasets are covered in a number of papers shown on this site.

- The first paper deals with the authors work on the development of a
   gremlin free analysis cube.

- The second paper deals with elements of the mathematics of variance analysis

- The third paper provides general notes on Automated Price & Variance Analysis

- The fourth paper deals with the Humphreys Distribution

- The fifth paper discusses the development of an Accurate Dataset for Monte Carlo Simulation 

- The sixth paper investigates the result obtained by Squaring a Normal Distribution 

- The seventh paper examines the theory behind the Anderson Darling Test

- The eighth paper describes a process for evaluating a FRS17 liability using Monte Carlo simulation. 

- The ninth paper deals with the issue of pension funding






Last modified: 14 August 2017